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The Algorithms

Longest Non Repeative Substring

package com.thealgorithms.strings ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
class longestNonRepeativeSubstring {

    public static int lengthOfLongestSubstring(String s) {
        int max = 0 , start = 0 , i = 0 ;
        HashMap< Character , Integer > map = new HashMap<>() ;
        while ( i < s.length() ) {

            char temp = s.charAt( i ) ;

            // adding key to map if not present
            if ( ! map.containsKey( temp ) )
                map.put( temp , 0 ) ;

            // checking if the first value is the dublicate value
            else if ( s.charAt( start ) == temp )
                start++ ;

            // checking if the previous value is dublicate value
            else if ( s.charAt( i - 1 )  == temp ) {
                if ( max < map.size() ) max = map.size() ;
                map = new HashMap<>() ;
                start = i ;
                i-- ;

            // last possible place where dublicate value can be is between start and i
            else {
                if ( max < map.size() ) max = map.size() ;
                while ( s.charAt( start ) != temp ) {
                    map.remove( s.charAt( start ) ) ;
                    start++ ;
                start++ ;

            i++ ;

        if ( max < map.size() ) max = map.size() ;
        return max ;
