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The Algorithms



Vigenere Cipher

Playfair Cipher

Elgamal Key Generator

Porta Cipher

Baconian Cipher

Mono Alphabetic Ciphers

Cryptomath Module

Beaufort Cipher

Simple Substitution Cipher

Morse Code

Trafid Cipher

Affine Cipher

Rsa Key Generator

Hill Cipher

Diffie Hellman

Mixed Keyword Cypher

Shuffled Shift Cipher

Decrypt Caesar with Chi Squared

Transposition Cipher

Transposition Cipher Encrypt Decrypt File

Brute Force Caesar Cipher

Rsa Cipher

Rsa Factorization

Simple Keyword Cypher

Onepad Cipher

Rail Fence Cipher

Xor Cipher

Caesar Cipher

Rabin Miller

Enigma Machine 2

Deterministic Miller Rabin

Key Finder

Caesars Cipher

Keyword Shifted Alphabet

Elliptic Curve Key Exchange

Uint 128 T

Base 64 Encoding

Atbash Cipher

Uint 256 T

A 1z 26 Cipher

Columnar Transposition Cipher

Product Cipher

Simple Sub Cipher

AES Encryption





Another Rot 13

Hashing Traits

Theoretical Rot 13

Merkle Hellman Cryptosystem

Mono Alphabetic Cipher