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The Algorithms

Machine Learning

Word Frequency Functions

Similarity Search

Sequential Minimum Optimization

Linear Discriminant Analysis

Local Weighted Learning

Linear Regression

Gaussian Naive Bayes

Polymonial Regression

Data Transformations

Logistic Regression

Random Forest Regressor

Lstm Prediction

Random Forest Classifier

Support Vector Machines

K Nearest Neighbours

Multilayer Perceptron Classifier

Gradient Boosting Regressor

Scoring Functions

Gradient Descent

Neural Network

Kohonen Som Topology

Adaline Learning

Ordinary Least Squares Regressor

Kohonen Som Trace

K Means Clustering

K-Fold Cross-Validation of Decision Tree Regression

Linear Regression Using Pandas

Movie Recommendation System

Naive Bayes Classification

Movie Recommendation Sentance Embedding

Named Entity Recognition with Conditional Random Fields

Random Forest Regression

Reuters One vs Rest Classifier

ARIMA with Pyramid

House Price Prediction

Support Vector Machine

Fundamentals of Numpy

Threshold(without Inbuilt)

Piecewise(without Inbuilt)

Hyperbolic tangent(without Inbuilt)